Well, here you go.
Unusual kitchen hanger, or sign of Cthulhu?
The paint holds it together Trust me, it's not the rusty nails
Starry night I could sink a lot of money into astrophotography...
Fog in the Salish Sea This was surreal; pictures just don't convey what it's like to be floating in the clouds
The Mark of the Boob Okay, when there's 1 1/2 working outlets in your kitchen, why build cabinets over this one? Gah!
We can spot tourists a mile away They wear sunglasses...
Guest quarters You'd get first dibs on hot water. Kinda.
What are those? Dogs? All they do is eat and poop.
View on a sunny day The water changes colors, like a mood ring.
Oh, deer You spotted us.
Our House (in the middle of our sea) I'm going to turn that flagpole into a giant umbrella.
Spotty Hai! U got flowerz for me to eat?
Where did all that carpet go? It was my favorite scratching post
First night, beautiful kitchen
First night, not many working light bulbs in the house
Carpet Must Die
I hear you have a cat. Yum!
Don't get used to this blue sky thing
Mind if we hang out here while it's raining? "ur cookies? No, don't know what happened to em..." chew chew chew