It’s a dirty job

That wall has been pleading with me to affix some kitchen cabinets to it for six months. Welp, it’s a lot easier getting that tile up first, otherwise I’m leaning in under the cabinets and whacking my head on them while trying to put tile up. It’s all about getting the cart behind the horse, even if the horse has been standing out in the road with a harness on it since January.

Kitchen Backsplash

I do a band of copper with oak trim, which matches the rest of the kitchen and ties it all together. And we found this midnight blue subway tile to go behind it. It looks kind of boring gray without any direct light on it but we have some undercabinet lighting that will make them shine. And at the same time illuminate every little flaw, defect and error for all the kitchen to see. But it will bring out the color! Have no doubt.

That metal edging is called Schluter. If you’re installing tile on a wall, you want Schluter. Gives it a nice finished edge.


Everyone loves a tile backsplash. I don’t know why. I guess it beats reynold’s wrap across the back wall of something that might get wet in its ordinary use. Maybe.

For spacers between the tiles, I used popsicle sticks. I once saw a deal on Amazon for a box of like 10,000 popsicle sticks for 15 dollars. I snatched that up. Its chief complaint in the reviews were that the sticks were not guaranteed to be food safe. I sincerely don’t give a shit. For 0.15 cents per stick, I’ll use them for whatever I need them for: glue spreaders, paint mixers, tile spacers, miniature catapults, whatever. I’ll eat food with chopsticks. A lifetime’s supply of dirt cheap popsicle sticks is da bomb!